Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Tag: news

  • John Sheppard’s latest, Fire Retardant Strong Man

    Back in the day, Paragraph Line consisted of a bunch of things: semi-frequent flash fiction, weird and strange blogging, books by many great writers, a lit journal, and zines. But it was also created by me and John Sheppard for a specific reason: to publish our books. In 2010, we bought a block of 100…

  • My new book Decision Paralysis is out now

    I’m very happy to announce my 18th book, Decision Paralysis, is out now. TL;DR: Amazon print and Amazon kindle links. I did not think I was ever going to write another book. I quit writing completely in 2021, and spent at least a year 100% away from it, not even calling myself a writer, not…