Tag: New York
First Falafel
About ten years ago, I lived in New York: rented a shithole apartment in Astoria, took the N train in to Times Square every day, and worked three floors down from Puff Daddy at a soon-to-be-irrelevant dotcom. My life consisted of TPS reports, delays on the N train, and arguing with old ladies in three…
Journal mold
I keep reading John Sheppard’s tumblr, which lately has been chock full of awesome short little bits of not-fiction about his life, and it makes me wish I could spin up some yarns here, especially since I ran out of ideas for blog entries in about 2007. One of my wise ideas was to pull…
New York
Usually when I fall into a deep nostalgic k-hole, I’m thousands of miles removed from the actual event. But tonight, It’s more like a few hundred yards. I’m back in the Lower East Side, in a hotel room that’s a matter of blocks from my last home on the east coast. I’m here for a…
The Replay
I’ve been dreading this post for years, but it’s a band-aid I need to rip off. I was at this acupuncturist in Berkeley a year ago, in some stupid last-ditch attempt at getting rid of my allergies. (It did not work.) And I remember laying on his table, with a dozen needles in my arms…
Small Fish Big Pond
I was listening to Mark Maron’s podcast the other day – specifically, an interview with Aubrey Plaza – and they started talking about how they both used to live in Queens. But then Maron said where he lived, which was at 37th Street and 30th Avenue, and it completely blew my mind, because I lived…
The Death of Palm
In a serious WTF move yesterday, HP announced they were ditching their hardware manufacturing business, and abandoning their work on WebOS devices. HP just bought Palm a little over a year ago for 1.2 billion dollars. Their big splash was the iPad killer tablet, the HP TouchPad, which sold roughly as well as the Edsel…
Thoughts on a random picture: the N
This is the N: I took this picture just over ten years ago. I was on the way home from my second date with Kelly. We went to Jackson Heights, and then to Target. It doesn’t sound that exciting, but when you live in New York in 2001 and you spent a good chunk of…
The Other Cairo and Internet Archaeology
I took the standard drive-to-Florida Disney vacation when I was twelve, and I’d been to a bunch of the plains states by then: Missouri, Iowa, the Dakotas, Wisconsin. But in the summer between my junior and senior year of high school, my dad took us on our first big trip out of the Midwest, this…
City that never sleeps (because of those stupid reverse-gear backup warning beepers)
Good to be back. I spent all day Friday in airports and on airplanes, immersed in the world of roller suitcases and $9 bottles of water in newsstands filled with every single tabloid featuring pictures of a recently-adultified Miley Cyrus and rumors of tattoos and nipple slips and not a single piece of readable material…
Back in the big smear
I’m in a hotel at 49th and Lex in the Big Smear, the island I could not escape for eight years but finally did. And now I’m back, for the first time since I bolted Westward to Denver and points beyond in 2007, holed up in a way-too-much-to mention-per-night suite with all the amenities except…