Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Tag: medical trauma

  • Knee

    For the last week, I’ve been a bit of a cripple. I seem to have injured my right knee in some way, but I don’t really have a good story to go with the injury. Basically, a week ago, I was really asleep, and I somehow flipped onto my side, but my legs did not…

  • EKGs and LASIK

    It has been a long week, and has involved many views of myself I’d normally not see. First, I had an annual physical, and I guess that view involved an EKG, which is always weird, but was, luckily, fine. I am under 40, so I did not get the pleasure of another little test that…

  • Ear infection

    Yes, I’m alive. Well, mostly. I got back from Hawaii a week ago, but I flew back with a very tiny cold – minor enough that I barely even thought about it as I got on the plane. But I thought about it a lot as we descended and my head just about exploded like…

  • Colitis, bipolar

    It’s been a while. Two basic things have stopped me from writing, both with twisted, deep roots. Let me explain. First, I’ve been having medical problems. My doctor now thinks I have colitis, which is no death sentence, but means I’ll have to radically change my already radically changed diet, and possibly go on some…