Tag: diet
Been hard to write this week for obvious reasons. I guess I blew that “post every day this year thing” about five days in. Started writing a big diatribe about that, but I can’t get into it right now. Maybe later. I did not step foot out of the apartment for about nine days. I…
NyQuil, Cameras, DNA, Writing
NyQuil season has started. Despite my persona, I don’t actually drink the stuff unless I’m sick, and that started last week. I can usually tell when I’m about to get a cold because the bottom completely drops out of writing and I can’t answer three-line emails in under an hour. So trying to update this…
I am lazy. I can cook, but given the choice, I don’t. That means either I eat sad microwave dinners, or I go out to eat, and eat too much. That has been catching up to me, and I had to do something out of desperation. I wanted to get those Zone delivery meals, where…