Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Tag: blogging

  • more return to blogging garbage

    I saw a bunch of articles recently about “the return of the blog” and suddenly remembered I have a blog and I never update it, and maybe while I’m circling rudderless on this next book, I should maybe think about that. I have all of these various “content boxes” to fill, and never know how…

  • Happy birthday, Wrath of Kon

    This site has been here, in one form another, for 17 years now. In 1997, I got together a couple of half-baked elisp scripts and installed them on my shell account over at Speakeasy. This was before the word ‘blog’ was invented.  Mark Zuckerberg was 13 and Facebook was nowhere near an idea yet.  Social…

  • Curators Versus Creators

    I haven’t read Mashable in a while, and for whatever reason, decided to re-add it to my RSS reader.  Within about five articles, I suddenly remembered why I stopped. First, half of the articles were link-bait about various {Apple_Product}-killers.  Like there was an article about how damn neat HP’s new “answer to the iMac” was,…

  • Happy 15th Birthday, Wrath of Kon

    Back on April 11, 1997, I had a stupid idea. I used to write in these journals, spiral notebooks, every day.  I started doing that in 1993.  I never wrote stories, and it wasn’t a diary either – it was some strange mix of both.  But any writing I did there was trapped forever on…

  • Review: My War by Colby Buzzell

    I wasn’t set to go down the military history wormhole and start reading books about Iraq, but while I was going through one of the Henry Rollins journal books, he mentioned Buzzell’s memoir, and I picked up a copy.  Going into it, I knew nothing about it, none of the background, his history, and I…

  • One thousand

    This is the 1000th post in Tell Me a Story About the Devil history. When I started this experiment in 1997, I never thought about how long it would be around or how many entries I would amass. But here I am, with a nice, round four-digit number to stare at, and maybe I feel…

  • The Switch

    No, a piece of rogue malware did not hit my site. I finally threw in the towel and switched to WordPress as the back-end of this site. I got sick of all of the duct tape maintenance keeping this thing going, and I wanted it to not look like it was created in 1997 (which…

  • Julie, Julia, Queens, 2002

    I’ve been back from Denver for a week now, sorry about that. We had a good time, and went to two baseball games – won one, lost one. We also took a trip to the Denver Botanic Gardens, which I drove by a million times in 2007 but never visited. And that’s partially a good…

  • A million entries, a dozen categories

    Compiling this journal book has been harder than I thought. I have a million journal entries, but they all fall into one of the following categories: The weather How I’m sick What I’m reading Music Movies Long, rambling stories about the past Travel diaries Bad stuff that happened Why I hate New York What I…

  • Trip report procrastination

    I’ve been digging through notes and trying to type up a trip report about my last visit to Vegas in July, but it’s been a total bitch. I didn’t take many notes, and I have an outline, but it’s hard to get worked up about this and type anything that’s worthwhile. I’m tempted to just…