Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Category: reviews

  • The Last Blockbuster

    The other night, in a bit of irony, I watched the movie The Last Blockbuster by renting it on my Apple TV. It was a cute dose of nostalgia, talking about the last remaining store of the once-mighty video rental empire, out in Bend, Oregon. As I started writing this, I realized I already wrote an…

  • 360 Photos, Ricoh Theta V

    I bought a new camera recently, a Ricoh Theta V. It’s a 360 camera, which uses two fisheye lenses on a small thing about the size of a TV remote, and software inside stitches together the two images into a 360-degree sphere, which can then be hosted on various online things like Facebook or Flickr…

  • Solo

    I’m in bachelor mode for the week because Sarah is out of town, so I decided to see Solo last night, the latest Star Wars movie. I’ve largely dropped the thread on Star Wars movies as of late. The first trilogy, of course, was a big part of my childhood. The prequels in 00 were largely…

  • Take Care of Scabbard Fish

    This entry is a bit of a placeholder, in hopes that somebody will find it in a google search and maybe chip in more information. It’s very odd that searching on “Take Care of Scabbard Fish” brings up almost no results. Even more weird that it doesn’t come up on sites like discogs or allmusic.…

  • Book consumption 2/11/18

    I haven’t been using goodreads to keep track of my book consumption, and I need to keep track of it, so here goes. TL;DR: The Best of Odd Things Considered by Anita Dalton – Dalton’s long-running blog started as I Read Odd Books, a compendium of book reviews of the unusual. It later developed into…

  • Paul Auster – 4 3 2 1

    Paul Auster’s new book, 4 3 2 1, was a slog. It had a payoff in the last dozen pages, but it took some effort to stay with this for the other 850. I’ve been reading a lot of Auster recently for some reason, and in the last six months have probably read at least…

  • Oculus Rift Impressions

    I stopped in Best Buy on Saturday, because I’ve been meaning to check out the Oculus Rift, and the demo people are only there a few days a week, and I keep missing them. Usual thoughts on the death of the Best Buy I used to know, although they did seem to be semi-busy. Anyway,…

  • Dü You Remember?

    Quick link to a podcast about Hüsker Dü, called Dü You Remember: https://www.thecurrent.org/collection/husker-du/ (It’s also on iTunes, etc. I just searched for it in the Podcast app, but I’m still on iOS 10, before Apple completely fucked it, so your mileage may vary.) This was a great five-part audio documentary on the band, from Minneapolis…

  • Latest reading

    I’ve given up on Goodreads, and I haven’t been tracking my reading as of late, and maybe I should be doing that. Here’s a few things I’ve finished recently, in no particular order. Tim O’Brien – July, July Probably twenty years ago, I had to read The Things They Carried for an undergrad writing class,…

  • Mindhunter

    I marathon-ed out Mindhunter over the last few days on Netflix. I couldn’t remember the damn name, and for the first few episodes, kept calling it Brainminder, which sounds like a Tupperware product for zombies. Anyway. It’s a David Fincher-produced thing – he also directed four episodes. Set in 1977, early days of FBI profiling,…