Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Author: jkonrath

  • Linklater, Benning

    I’ve recently fallen down a frantic rabbit hole of youtube searches and article reading involving director James Benning, a pioneer in experimental, narrative-less film.  Richard Linklater mentioned him in the director’s commentary for It’s Impossible to Learn to Plow by Reading Books, which is a movie I’ve been obsessed with for a bit.  That movie…

  • Ode to a Mid-2010 MacBook Pro

    My MacBook died yesterday. Shit. It wasn’t a full-on, catastrophic death, the kind with no backup and fire and smoke and no hope. It was more of a long goodbye. I replaced the battery last fall, the third battery in its almost five years of heavy use. It looked like the battery was holding a…

  • More book stuff

    Okay, so more details on The Memory Hunter: See the last post about it. The release date is 9/1/14 It is 320 pages. The cover is amazing.  I said I wasn’t going to reveal it until the Facebook page got 100 likes, so go like it. There is a preview of it, which consists of…

  • The description of my next book

    Are you ready to hear the description of my next book? Well, let me fire up the VT-240 terminal, and pull it up in emacs for you:

  • Scrivener Tips, Redux

    I am in the midst of production work for my next book, and this is the time I always learn new things about Scrivener.  Here are some random bits of info.  If this makes no sense to you, don’t worry; I’m mostly documenting this so that a year from now, I’ll google it again and…

  • Updates on the next book

    Okay. It’s about time to give you some more updates on the next book, because the release is imminent. The book is being edited right now, then it gets designed, goes through production, and all of that pain-in-the-ass stuff.  And then you buy it. Right? Okay, so here are the latest updates. I’m putting them…

  • The Cloud, the Book, the Pissing Contest

    I’ve been bitching and moaning about how Adobe decided to move all of their software to the cloud, and make people pay per month forever to use their stuff.  I’ve also been bitching about how Apple decided to kill off Aperture, which happened about ten minutes after I imported and tagged 50,000 pictures, and would…

  • My occasional history with film

    I’m still thinking about film a lot, maybe too much. I’ve ended up buying two 35mm cameras on eBay this week, a Canonet QL17 rangefinder and an Olympus Trip 35 point/shoot.  I ran the first roll of film through the Trip (see attached picture) and I love it.  I need to take more pictures, figure…

  • Why I love analog

    After shooting some 25,000 digital photos in the last decade and a half, I finally did something I never thought I would: I started shooting film again. In a fit of boredom, I bought a Lomography Diana F+ camera. It’s a 40-buck plastic toy camera that shoots 120 roll film, with manual everything and a…

  • Review: Keith Haring: The Authorized Biography by John Gruen

    I’ve been on a modern art trip lately, trying to learn more about art and artists. I never learned anything in school about art, and other than maybe Jackson Pollock and a bit of Damien Hirst, I don’t know anything.  But I enjoy modern art in the sense that I want to figure out how…