Author: jkonrath
I stared at the Jackson Pollock painting for hours, thinking it was a Magic Eye image and I wasn’t getting it
I like writing in numbered lists. But when my blog posts get sent to Goodreads, they strip off the HTML numbering, and that makes it look like a jumble of loose paragraphs. I take albuterol for allergies, and the smell of it is a very direct reminder of my childhood when I took it. They…
This week in data hoarding
I’ve been busy scraping stuff from open directories and dumping them onto this RAID array. Some of this week’s finds: The complete run of Omni magazine, in CBR format. I wasn’t familiar with CBR files, because I don’t read comics, but they are essentially a collection of lossless images in a compressed container, along with…
Interactive fiction versus games
I’ve been thinking a lot about interactive fiction, trying to find good examples online and learn how to turn existing books into games, or write new hybrid game/books, and it’s made me consider the definition of the two. First, I’ve been playing with this tool called Twine. It reminds me a lot of the old…
Unreliable narrators and autobiographical fiction
This Lena Dunham book has been huge in the memetic ten-second news cycle lately. I haven’t read it, but the gist of the argument is that her autobiographical(-ish) book has some stuff in it about how she used to share a bed with her sister and various things may have happened (or not, whatever.) There’s…
More on this “return to blogging” thing
Okay, so Marco Arment says this: And I agree, on a few things. First, I never understood twitter. It’s a good format for telling a fast dick joke, or dumping a link to a news article with no comment. But it’s not a good way for me to communicate. I can’t even start to think…
Falling down the data hoarding k-hole
I am becoming a data hoarder. I think I’m genetically predisposed to hoarding, or maybe it was just where I grew up, but every time I saw the show Hoarders on TV, I always thought that like every other person I knew in Indiana had a house that looked like that. I’m not saying that…
The new camera and the march of progress
I could not sleep a week ago, and woke up in the middle of the night, nauseous from the heat. I went downstairs to sit on the couch with the iPad, and pulled the trigger on an Amazon points subsidized purchase of a new camera, something I’ve been eyeing for a bit. This was the…
more return to blogging garbage
I saw a bunch of articles recently about “the return of the blog” and suddenly remembered I have a blog and I never update it, and maybe while I’m circling rudderless on this next book, I should maybe think about that. I have all of these various “content boxes” to fill, and never know how…
Great Review of The Memory Hunter over at Self Publishing Review
Here’s another great review of The Memory Hunter over at Self Publishing Review: In the far-flung future of 2007, in a world that never quite recovered from a Cold War which didn’t stay cold, where Japan seized the global economy and the world went in the direction that novelists predicted decades ago, society now…