Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Author: jkonrath

  • On the Road tradition

    I think I finished packing last night, but I still have to go buy some more stuff, like sunscreen. I can go from white to red in 15 minutes at dusk. I need the SPF-1000 stuff. I started reading _On the Road_ last night, a regular tradition before I take a big trip somewhere. (_Zen…

  • Chasing Amy, recording CDs

    I ended up seeing _Chasing Amy_ last night with my friend Virginia. It was a pretty good film – a new direction for Kevin Smith, but a lot of the old humor and ideas that made _Clerks_ and _Mallrats_ so funny. I’m glad I saw it while it was in the ‘limited cities’ stage of…

  • Disneyland on two broken legs

    When I woke this morning, it felt like my neck had been snapped. I started thinking about Christopher Reeve and this conversation I had with my girlfriend the other day about a kid who wrecked his ATV, ran up $125,000 in medical bills, and was a quadrapalegic (sp?). But I could move, so it was…

  • Home for a weekend

    It’s a beautiful day out and I wish I wasn’t at work. But, I just have today and Monday, and then I go on vacation. Also, we had pizza for lunch here at work, and ate out on the 10th floor terrace. The sky’s very blue, really clear, and it’s a little windy, so some…

  • First post

    This is my first entry, and I’m still trying to iron out the kinks in this thing. I have an emacs function (thanks to Bill) that opens a text file with today’s date whenever I do a C-x C-j, so I can always pull up a file for today. They are text files though, and…