Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Author: jkonrath

  • Questioning future value of current drudgery

    Sometimes I wonder what parts of the present will be things that I cherish in the future. That doesn’t make sense, but when I think about the past, I enjoy the memory of certain things, people, places, or times. But I can also remember that I didn’t neccesarily enjoy these things in the past. Example:…

  • Another earthquake

    I guess there was another earthquake last night, or rather thismorning, at about 3:50. I was still awake, fighting with sleep. It’s hard to tell if it was an earthquake or not in my apartment, because all of the traffic on I-5 frequently jostles around my building. This was a 3.something and didn’t do much.…

  • Rumored line edit

    I finished my first line edit of Rumored last night – it took about 13 days, not all of them productive. The next step will be to enter all of my changes into the computer – I edit on paper with red pen and then integrate everything into the original in emacs. It takes longer,…

  • Earthquake

    Almost forgot today. I was busy editing Rumored with my little clipboard and my little red pen. There was an earthquake today, just after noon. It was a 4.9, out in the Puget Sound close to Bremerton. It freaked me out, being on the top floor of a 10 story building that’s all glass and…

  • Self-publishing

    I’ve been thinking more about this whole self-publishing thing. Printing copies of Rumored and selling them wouldn’t be much of a paradigm shift over when I printed copies of Xenocide and sold them from my apartment. It would cost about a jillion times more – actually, it wouldn’t cost that much more, since Xenocide 5…

  • Dream melody

    I never feel like I have enough time in the day now. By the time I eat dinner and deal with whatever bullshit I have to deal with every day, I am too lazy to edit anything. When I get up to speed on the editing, I just get rolling when it’s time to go…

  • Carlin, Per-whatever, Smith

    It’s another day of shitty weather. I didn’t really get a lot done last night, except for watching an almost-perfect lineup on Conan OBrien – George Carlin, Paula Per-whatserface, the supermodel, and Kevin Smith. Kevin didn’t have much time in there, but was hilarious. Also, I left almost all of my clothes in the washer,…

  • Magic Dragon sick

    I didn’t mention this, but I got really sick on Sunday after we ate at Magic Dragon. I got some sort of chicken stuff and didn’t even eat all of it – I barely ate 20% of it. A few minutes later, I was almost doubled over in pain. I don’t know if it was…

  • $506

    I forgot to mention that the damage to that woman’s car last week was $506, which means my insurance will go up. I got that news on Friday, and it sucked. Oh well, with any luck, I will be able to dump my current car and get something cheaper. This morning, I ate breakfast. It…

  • Sleeping pills

    I took some sleeping pills last night to avoid another up-all-night event like Tuesday. They really knocked me out, and I woke up very late for work today. I could barely function, nothing made sense and I’m surprised I managed to take a shower and drive to work. Then I got violently ill at lunch,…