Here’s a complete list of all of my books, plus published stories and zines I have produced or in which I’ve appeared.
- Decision Paralysis (2024)
- The Failure Cascade (2020)
- Ranch: The Musical (2019)
- Book of Dreams (2018)
- Help Me Find My Car Keys And We Can Drive Out! (2017)
- Vol. 13 (2016)
- He (2015)
- The Memory Hunter (2014)
- Atmospheres (2014)
- Thunderbird (2013)
- Sleep Has No Master (2012)
- The Earworm Inception (2012)
- Fistful of Pizza (2011)
- The Annotated Rumored to Exist (2004, hardcover in 2013)
- Rumored to Exist (2002)
- Summer Rain (2000)
- The Necrokonicon (2006)
- Dealer Wins (2004)
- Tell Me a Story About the Devil (2003)
- “The Metaphor of Poundcake” in Horror Sleaze Trash: Prose in Poor Taste (2017)
- “The Form of the Honeycomb Cereal Sword” in Tall Tales with Short Cocks Volume 5
- “The Metaphor of Poundcake” at Horror Sleaze Trash (2016)
- “The Great Shit Storm of 1978” at Medium (2015)
- “An Open Letter to S.C. Johnson and Son, A Family Company” in The Strange Edge Magazine Issue Zero (2015)
- Atmospheres (excerpts) at Bizarro Central (2014)
- Atmospheres (excerpts) at Horror, Sleaze, and Trash (2014)
- “Bearded Women Shitting On Glass Tables Is Sort Of My Thing” at Horror, Sleaze, and Trash (2013)
- “Vehicular Handjobs and Pirate Hooks” at Horror, Sleaze, and Trash (2013)
- “Sleep Has No Master” at New Graffiti (2013)
- “The Lycanthropic Air Conditioning Folly” in Tall Tales with Short Cocks Volume 3 (2013)
- “The Long John Silver Vinegar Douche Abortion Attempt” at The Strange Edge (2013)
- “The Chainsaw Baron Prophecy” at Fictionaut (2012)
- “Princess Di’s Mercedes and the Dead Man’s ASL Chimp” in Tall Tales with Short Cocks Volume 2 (2012)
- “Krill Warriors” at Paragraph Line (2012)
- “Time Travel And The Posse Comitatus McDonald’s Standoff” at Fictionaut (2012)
- “The Zombies of Kilimanjaro” in Tall Tales with Short Cocks (2012)
- “Dwarf Meth Madness, Again” at Horror Sleaze Trash (2012)
- “Peak Oil” at The Mustache Factor (2012)
- “The Locality Principle” at In Between Altered States (2012)
- “I Believe I Can Flee the State” at His Cock is Money (2012)
- “The Gamecube Junkie Abortionist’s Revenge” at His Cock is Money (2012)
- “The Log Lady Incident” at Weirdyear (2012)
- “The Machine” at Three Minute Plastic (2011)
- “Rumored to Exist” (excerpt) at Indiebookslist (2011)
- “Between Pitches” at Chin Musik (2011)
- “The Rollins Cure” at Chin Musik (2011)
- “With Sleep, All Things Are Possible” at Weirdyear (2011)
- “Burial Ground” in Air in the Paragraph Line #13 (2010)
- “My Friend, The Jihadist” in Air in the Paragraph Line #13 (2010)
- “July 4, 2003” in Down the Block (2009)
- “Jesus 2000” in Santi: Lives of Modern Saints (2008)
- “Richard Fucking Nixon” in Air in the Paragraph Line #12 (2007)
- “They” in Air in the Paragraph Line #12 (2007)
- “I, Dishwasher” in Air in the Paragraph Line #11 (2006)
- “Red Lenses” in Air in the Paragraph Line #10 (2005)
- “Tell Me a Story About the Devil” (aka “Shuffle”) in Raped Ape Magazine #8 (2005)
- “Tell Me A Story About the Devil” (aka “F911”) in Raped Ape Magazine #4 (2004)
- “Tell Me A Story About the Devil” (aka “Gadahn”) in Raped Ape Magazine #3 (2004)
- “The Political Process and You” in Raped Ape Magazine #2 (2004)
- “Tell Me A Story About the Devil” (aka “Grocery Stores”) in Raped Ape Magazine #1 (2004)
- “If People Can Eat Blood Pudding, I Can Say I’m a Writer on my Tax Return” in Drunkenscrawl (2001)
- “My Brother Died in a Clown Car Accident, You Douchebag” in Drunkenscrawl (2001)
- “Rumored to Exist” (excerpt) in Assorted Realities (1999)
- “Dream Journal #1” in Air in the Paragraph Line #9 (1998)
- “Tenth and Walnut” in Air in the Paragraph Line #9 (1998)
- “Dog Tracks” in Air in the Paragraph Line #9 (1998)
- “Born On” in Air in the Paragraph Line #8 (1997)
- “Summer Rain” (original short story) in Air in the Paragraph Line #8 (1997)
- “Rumored to Exist” (excerpt) in Air in the Paragraph Line #8 (1997)
- “Ipecac in a Shotglas” in Extent Zine #1 (1996)
- “Virtually Alone” in The Tea Bowl (1994)
- Taco Bob Goes to Japan #16 (2023)
- Extrajudicial Enema Quarterly #15 (2023)
- Mandatory Laxative #14 (2016)
- Air in the Paragraph Line #1-13 (1996-2007)
- Xenocide #1-5 (1991-1993)
- Metal Curse (A column, reviews, and other stuff both print and online from 1991-)
- (There’s got to be other zine stuff I don’t remember. The toner dust has damaged my memory, probably.)
- “Video Games and Violence” in Rock Out Censorship #15 [archive]
- (A lot of other work for ROC, and it seems like I wrote another article or two. I also remember a painful project HTML-izing their entire site from bad photocopies.)
- I wrote a rambling letter to the editor of the IUSB school newspaper about the first Iraq war in 1991 that ended up becoming a front-page article, but I’m too embarrassed to post it, sorry.
Interviews (of me)
- At Paragraph Line (2016)
- At Goodreads with Arthur Graham (2016) [archive]
- At The Lit Pub (2013)
- At Horror Sleaze Trash (2012)
- At Bizarro Press (2012) [archive]
- At The Indie Spotlight (2012)
- At Kindle Author [archive] (2011)
- In Six Questions For… by Jim Harrington (2010)
- At The Hipster Book Club by Marie Mundaca (2008) [archive]
- At Dark Legions (2004)
- At with Michael Stutz [archive] (2000)
(There are too many interviews and bits of interviews with me about the Adam Gadahn situation. Start with The New Yorker article and work backwards, I guess.)
(I should also list all of the interviews I’ve done, but they’re mostly in zines, which are already listed.)
- Latch Key Kids by John Sheppard (2020)
- Butt Stuff (The Book) by Jeff O’Brien (2018)
- Metal Curse 1-4 “Collected Edition (1999)
Sometimes I’m asked to blurb a book, I actually read it, I write the blurb, and it ends up on the book cover. Usually 1-3 things in that sentence don’t happen. Anyway, here’s when all four happened:
- Roses are Red, Violets Are Stealing Loose Change From My Pockets While I Sleep by David S. Atkinson (2018)
Podcast Appearances
- Do Better Episode 14 (2018)
- Bizzong! (2017)
- All episodes of The Koncast (2017)
- Hangin With Old Lew #30 – “Alleged Pullout Game” (2017)
- Hangin’ With Old Lew #22 – “Botched Circumcision” (2017)
- J&B’s Nightcap #27 (2009)