Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

My Books and Stories

Here’s a complete list of all of my books, plus published stories and zines I have produced or in which I’ve appeared.






  • Taco Bob Goes to Japan #16 (2023)
  • Extrajudicial Enema Quarterly #15 (2023)
  • Mandatory Laxative #14 (2016)
  • Air in the Paragraph Line #1-13 (1996-2007)
  • Xenocide #1-5 (1991-1993)
  • Metal Curse (A column, reviews, and other stuff both print and online from 1991-)
  • (There’s got to be other zine stuff I don’t remember. The toner dust has damaged my memory, probably.)



  • “Video Games and Violence” in Rock Out Censorship #15 [archive]
  • (A lot of other work for ROC, and it seems like I wrote another article or two. I also remember a painful project HTML-izing their entire site from bad photocopies.)
  • I wrote a rambling letter to the editor of the IUSB school newspaper about the first Iraq war in 1991 that ended up becoming a front-page article, but I’m too embarrassed to post it, sorry.

Interviews (of me)

(There are too many interviews and bits of interviews with me about the Adam Gadahn situation. Start with The New Yorker article and work backwards, I guess.)

(I should also list all of the interviews I’ve done, but they’re mostly in zines, which are already listed.)



Sometimes I’m asked to blurb a book, I actually read it, I write the blurb, and it ends up on the book cover. Usually 1-3 things in that sentence don’t happen. Anyway, here’s when all four happened:

Podcast Appearances