Month: September 2011
Targeted Nostalgia
Two unrelated things that aren’t have thrown me into a fit of nostalgia today: baseball and Target. It was the last game of the season today, and despite the fact that the Rockies had a catastrophic time this year, I forced myself to listen, to take the pain and punishment of hearing them fail miserably.…
Eversion and the mass-hallucination we call life
So Facebook recently fucked over its entire interface. That’s big news and not big news; I mean, it’s been beaten to death in various memes, even though it just happened a matter of hours ago. It’s big news in the sense that a somewhat-usable product has been made into a much less usable product. It’s…
Dot Matrix and Word Processors
I was writing about something completely different the other day, and went on this side diversion about dot-matrix printers, and thought about how a giant subset of the population (like everyone born after about 1985) never had to deal with them, while I spent far too many hours fighting them in computer labs, pulling apart…
The Replay
I’ve been dreading this post for years, but it’s a band-aid I need to rip off. I was at this acupuncturist in Berkeley a year ago, in some stupid last-ditch attempt at getting rid of my allergies. (It did not work.) And I remember laying on his table, with a dozen needles in my arms…
Answering stupid meme questions because I don’t feel like writing
Somebody sent me this on facebook. Any time I try to write more than 38 characters on facebook, it usually crashes or tries to sell me auto insurance, so I will answer it here. Also, I am so bored of the book I am trying to write that I almost went and googled “writing prompts”…
20 Facts You Didn’t Know About Muammar Gaddafi
Yesterday marked the 42nd anniversary of when Muammar Gaddafi assumed the title of Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya by ousting Prince Hasan as-Senussi. It’s disputed whether or not he’s currently in Libya or if he still rules the country. And if he does show up, he’ll probably end up prosecuted by the…