Month: November 2010
Master of Reality
[Trying to type on an Apple bluetooth keyboard for the first time – man, this little thing is weird. There seems to be a whole cult of people that like this thing more than any other keyboard in the world, but I’ll be damned if I can’t stop hitting the caps lock key by mistake…
Nuke ‘Em
Strategy games have been a real albatross around my neck, partly because they push the right buttons in my head that make me obsessively play them until I win, and when I win, it’s too boring and I have to play again at another difficulty level or play another game. The latest incarnation of this…
After Forever
So the failed run at NaNoWriMo has put a major crimp in any journal activity here, and it’s been hard to get back to work. After I don’t write here for a while, I enter this weird limbo where I don’t know what to write, and I overthink things, and I start giant essays that…
Not engine oil solidifying cold
It’s getting cold here, which is not cold in the sense of North Dakota cold where if you don’t plug in your car, the engine oil will turn solid until April, or New York cold where the wind whips through every seam and zipper of your clothes and freezes every hair in your nose on…
I’m a baseball photographer and didn’t know it
I did not realize this until today (when I was googling my own name), but a bunch of the baseball pictures I have posted on flickr (i.e. over here) are being used by a bunch of wikipedia articles. In fact, several of them are the main image used in the article, which I think is…
Cat attack
We went to a pet store on Piedmont last night, and got this cat sitter DVD, which is a loop of various stuff meant for feline viewing: video of rats, birds, squirrels, and fish, with a ton of critter sound and super-saturated colors. The cats went nuts. Earlier in the day, we were watching some…