Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Month: May 1997

  • Winning a dollar on a late-night walk with a children’s book author in 1994

    I remember one time, three years ago in the summer, I was writing a short story in Lindley Hall late at night, and I met this woman who wrote children’s books. We went to the Runcible Spoon and got coffee (well, I got a Coke), and then went on this long walk in the dark,…

  • Chicago, old cow pastures

    I’ve noticed this weird pattern between my online and paper journals. I write about stuff that happened the night before in my online stuff, and stuff that happened that day in my paper one. Not much is going on here. I didn’t know it, but Indianapolis is bigger than Seattle. So is Columbus, OH and…

  • Super Mario music torture

    I left my car at the dealership to get the oil changed, so I walked a few blocks thismorning on my way to work. It reminded me of when I was in Indiana and didn’t own a car at all, when I had to walk everywhere. It sucked, but there were times when it was…

  • Analog First Third

    I’m taking lunch about an hour late because I got into a rhythm with some balloon help stuff and spaced out the time or something. I’ve been thinking more about writing, and what I should do next. I’d like to try another scifi story, some sort of cyberpunk thing that has some weird morality plot…

  • Teach Yourself ________

    I did a mini-inventory and found I have “teach yourself ____” cassette and book sets for Spanish, German, Swedish, and Italian, yet I speak none of these languages. I have a problem with learning languages. I knew a woman that knew like 6 languages, and learned Japanese in like a weekend or something. It made…

  • Not much

    Not much here – watching movies, sitting around. Austin Powers was a good flick. SNL is on now…

  • On writing an email-based porno server

    I can’t remember the name of my contact lens. It is a special kind for astigmatism, but I can’t rememner the fucking word. I hate it what this happens. Anyway, the sun is out and it actually feels like a May day. Oh – I guess yesterday was May Day. And the day when the…

  • Cell phones, drug wars

    More rain, and I’m really tired. Not tired, but compressed and dehydrated from too much caffeine at a late hour. I’ve been drinking 7-UP in an effort to recover. I’m still pretty jumpy. I signed up for a cellular phone, mostly as a precaution to my next inevitable automotive disaster. It’s through some freaky corporate…