Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Author: jkonrath

  • Paragraph Line site, reissues

    I’ve been slowly working on what to do about the Paragraph Line web site and social media and whatnot, as both me and John have been releasing books and have no idea how to sell them. Anyway, I did a quick reboot of the web site, and it’s live again at http://paragraphline.com/. It’s currently an…

  • State of the Cameras, 2025 edition

    As expected, before this Norway trip, I had a big freak-out about what cameras to take, which led to too many discretionary purchases. Let me explain. There were two main cameras before the trip. The big one is the Canon EOS 6D mkii. It’s a great camera and ticks a lot of boxes: full-frame, weather…

  • Norway

    I mentioned on my birthday post that I was on the move for my birthday, and I was. This may seem counterintuitive, but I took a week off and went to Oslo, Norway. In January. Yeah, I didn’t think through this one at all. I’ve been struggling to write a quick summary of this trip,…

  • 54

    I am fifty-four today. It’s funny, but I am writing this in the Helsinki airport in Finland, the day before my birthday. I’m just passing through, but my third flight of three got cancelled and they threw me on a later one. This resulted in me spending about eight hours in this relatively tiny airport.…

  • John Sheppard’s latest, Fire Retardant Strong Man

    Back in the day, Paragraph Line consisted of a bunch of things: semi-frequent flash fiction, weird and strange blogging, books by many great writers, a lit journal, and zines. But it was also created by me and John Sheppard for a specific reason: to publish our books. In 2010, we bought a block of 100…

  • 2024’s top ten pictures

    I did not take many pictures in 2024. 2022 was a year I tried to go whole-hog into photography and I took just over 12,000 pictures. Last year: 3,200. Part of this was less travel; part of it was having two injuries that sidelined me a bit. But also, I didn’t focus on photography as…

  • 2024

    Okay, last day of the year, so as I did in 2023 and 2022, time to bang out a summary: Started off the year with my very first case of COVID. I was pissed I made it almost four whole years without catching it, and then the Denver airport Centurion lounge did me in. I…

  • My new book Decision Paralysis is out now

    I’m very happy to announce my 18th book, Decision Paralysis, is out now. TL;DR: Amazon print and Amazon kindle links. I did not think I was ever going to write another book. I quit writing completely in 2021, and spent at least a year 100% away from it, not even calling myself a writer, not…

  • Book, passports, stuff, writing

    I don’t usually talk about works in progress, but just a quick accountability note here to mention that I finished the first draft of my 18th book. This is more or less a spiritual continuation of The Failure Cascade, and is 20 stories, but almost three times longer. I’m moving past flash fiction and micro-fiction,…

  • Speed, funnels, writing

    A few vague thoughts on blogging and such on a lazy Sunday, which seems to be the only day I can ever pay attention to this thing. I keep thinking about what I want to do here and how this blog should evolve (or whatever.) I sometimes think the big retirement project should be a…