Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Month: January 2019

  • 48

    Today, I turn 48. 48 is a weird one, because it’s an even thirty years from when I turned eighteen. I’ve written about that birthday before, so I’ll spare you, but one thing is that it’s very vivid to me, and seems like it was a few years ago. And it was three decades ago.…

  • Searching for distraction

    I know people lament how much time people waste on the internet. But as a person who has been here since the beginning, I disagree. I remember being able to really get lost in the internet, and it seems like the quick-twitch, low-effort content currently populating the social media-driven internet doesn’t do much for me.…

  • 2018 Summary

    I keep attempting to write a nice, lofty post about the great things that happened in 2018, but it was a shit year, by any metric. So, I’ll keep this short, with a nice little list of accomplishments and appearances: Although published on 12/31/17, my book Help Me Find My Car Keys and We Can…

  • 2018 Summary

    I keep attempting to write a nice, lofty post about the great things that happened in 2018, but it was a shit year, by any metric. So, I’ll keep this short, with a nice little list of accomplishments and appearances: Although published on 12/31/17, my book Help Me Find My Car Keys and We Can…