Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

A history of Rumored to Exist, by RCS checkin comments, without commentary

When I wrote Rumored to Exist, I used RCS, a source control system that used to be popular for unix.  (Since then, the cool kids have gone to using CVS, then Subversion, then Git.)

Each time I checked in a file, I left a little comment.  Here’s a log of those comments, in reverse chronological order.  (Note that I started using RCS about three years into the writing of the book, so everything before that was not recorded.)

RCS file: RCS/rumor-current.txt,v
 Working file: rumor-current.txt
 head: 7.10
 locks: strict
 jkonrath: 7.10
 access list:
 symbolic names:
 keyword substitution: kv
 total revisions: 54; selected revisions: 54
 Rumored to Exist main book
 revision 7.10 locked by: jkonrath;
 date: 2002/06/09 16:01:14; author: jkonrath; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6
 OK, I'm taking it over to Word. Wish me luck...
 revision 7.9
 date: 2002/06/08 03:23:29; author: jkonrath; state: Exp; lines: +644 -545
 No flags! A complete draft, and I just checked spelling, but it needs
 more work...
 revision 7.8
 date: 2002/06/01 22:17:12; author: jkonrath; state: Exp; lines: +272 -260
 This is the finish of a paper draft. Lots of corrections...
 revision 7.7
 date: 2002/05/29 03:31:44; author: jkonrath; state: Exp; lines: +1345 -934
 More changes, after going through a half paper draft.
 revision 7.6
 date: 2001/12/24 04:36:04; author: jkonrath; state: Exp; lines: +493 -482
 This includes comments and corrections from a paper draft edit that
 slowly took place over november and december, I think.
 revision 7.5
 date: 2001/12/23 05:16:11; author: jkonrath; state: Exp; lines: +584 -429
 Moving to a new machine, and there may be some editing cruft in there, too.
 revision 7.4
 date: 2001/09/26 20:51:32; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1370 -1444
 Just thinking checking in would be a good idea. No logic behind it tho.
 revision 7.3
 date: 2001/09/07 03:41:30; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +170 -322
 Removed a couple of dead ones, did some merges on three sets of them.
 revision 7.2
 date: 2001/09/03 04:50:30; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +203 -195
 This has all of Marie's edits, plus a spellcheck, and some comments.
 revision 7.1
 date: 2001/07/29 05:04:33; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +509 -455
 Changes from paper edits on 7.0. Includes some comments.
 revision 7.0
 date: 2001/07/05 20:53:40; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2
 Bumping up to draft 7 in rcs.
 revision 2.32
 date: 2001/07/05 20:17:29; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +504 -38
 Aah, no comments. Close to the finish? Probably not.
 revision 2.31
 date: 2001/05/24 02:06:22; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +391 -419
 Another check-in, with most of the comments fixed, and just a bunch
 of vacant stuff and ordering issues to be done before this draft
 is wrapped up.
 revision 2.30
 date: 2001/05/20 01:36:35; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +327 -529
 I cut out about 4 or 5 things, pushes this below 80K, but makes it much
 better. Now I need to start writing more new stuff.
 revision 2.29
 date: 2001/05/10 04:08:50; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +777 -750
 This is the version recovered from a PDB file.
 revision 2.28
 date: 2001/05/10 04:08:06; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +397 -474
 This is a messup from a crash.
 revision 2.27
 date: 2001/02/25 06:23:10; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +452 -379
 The rest of the paper draft in there.
 revision 2.26
 date: 2001/02/25 00:38:17; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +131 -107
 The beginning of comments on a paper draft - 0-38.
 revision 2.25
 date: 2000/12/18 02:09:15; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +861 -855
 Another reorg, spelling.
 revision 2.24
 date: 2000/12/08 23:17:56; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +401 -488
 Another paper draft....
 revision 2.23
 date: 2000/11/25 04:50:27; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1223 -1394
 A bunch of stuff done, holding at 200...
 revision 2.22
 date: 2000/11/09 03:51:40; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +213 -144
 I just entered a ton of comments from a paper edit. No real new stuff
 revision 2.21
 date: 2000/10/26 02:56:56; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +473 -510
 A quick checkin with comments from a 9/20 paper draft. No real changes
 in content, though. I'm going to start moving things, hence this.
 revision 2.20
 date: 2000/10/16 21:05:32; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +548 -24
 206, 83K
 revision 2.19
 date: 2000/09/16 15:44:09; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1010 -490
 Almost 78K, 0-192, 75% there. This also includes all of the edits on a
 paper draft from about a month ago, including tons of comments on ordering
 and stuff I don't like anymore.
 revision 2.18
 date: 2000/08/22 21:16:54; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +438 -14
 72812, 180. Checking in just because.
 revision 2.17
 date: 2000/07/31 16:40:47; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +476 -174
 I feel a great need to check in. 0-168, almost 69K.
 revision 2.16
 date: 2000/05/26 17:21:28; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +99 -16
 Just making sure everything is cool here.
 revision 2.15
 date: 2000/03/17 05:31:21; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +22 -46
 revision 2.14
 date: 2000/03/02 17:57:50; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +170 -7
 I haven't been doing anything for a long time. 65K, 161?
 revision 2.13
 date: 2000/01/26 16:10:30; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +301 -54
 I'm above 63K, but it's going slow. Just wanted to ci and get
 something in for the new year.
 revision 2.12
 date: 1999/12/21 04:58:46; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +372 -278
 The first checkin at the place in Astoria. No idea what's here - it
 has been almost a month since I did any work. Maybe it will pick
 up soon? At 61K now.
 revision 2.11
 date: 1999/11/20 04:15:04; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +236 -7
 Lots more - broke 60K, 148.
 revision 2.10
 date: 1999/11/16 18:59:04; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +179 -11
 I'm slowly doing some work - 142/57658. Staying home sick today, hoping
 to hit 60K someday.
 revision 2.9
 date: 1999/11/11 02:21:44; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +115 -3
 Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
 revision 2.8
 date: 1999/11/06 18:09:16; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +76 -1
 Almost 55K words. Not much new here, but I should be checking in
 as much as possible since I'm moving between 2 machines.
 revision 2.7
 date: 1999/10/27 03:09:24; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +154 -2
 54K, 133 done. Just checking in to be on the safe side. I'm
 shuffling stuff back and forth to write at work, and you never know.
 revision 2.6
 date: 1999/10/24 16:13:48; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +174 -57
 Mostly checking if the log message works, a couple of new things.
 revision 2.5
 date: 1999/10/17 16:55:39; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +557 -1
 I haven't even looked at this in months - started my new job at juno
 and all - i am checking in before i start to fuck with anything,
 just in case there are changes - actually, i think i stopped right at
 the halfway mark, so there are some new things.
 revision 2.4
 date: 1999/08/16 22:14:08; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1265 -18
 Approaching the halfway mark, running out of steam. i just wrote
 the same comment for the seattle checkin, too.
 revision 2.3
 date: 1999/07/31 00:22:54; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +794 -89
 Slow month. Given up on the annotations. Up to 82 now, still
 chugging along on it.
 revision 2.2
 date: 1999/06/30 01:03:31; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +215 -0
 Here's 0-63 (well, no 0), but they still need a once-over.
 This is where I will start messing with annotations.
 revision 2.1
 date: 1999/06/29 06:44:34; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +538 -9
 Here's a checkin with what I decided to keep plus some salvaged stuff.
 revision 2.0
 date: 1999/06/19 02:22:08; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +73 -4660
 Here's the first major cut and dice. not much left!
 revision 1.10
 date: 1999/06/18 20:30:02; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +41 -7
 This is the first checkin of the sixth draft, aka the "New York" draft
 In a second, I will blank this out, and start clean. I've got another
 copy called the Seattle Draft, and I'll hand-pick the stuff I like
 and put it back in here. Right?
 revision 1.9
 date: 1999/06/11 22:09:58; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +264 -13
 I'm in New York, so I should check in.
 This is up to 159, maybe 63K words. Still many comments, and
 a few new pieces.
 revision 1.8
 date: 1999/01/31 10:51:49; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +148 -59
 above 150 now. they all suck, though.
 revision 1.7
 date: 1999/01/28 05:51:01; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +537 -36
 60,000 words, motherfucker.
 revision 1.6
 date: 1999/01/12 05:15:53; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1045 -649
 Contains a single pass of commenting on the first half, Marie's
 comments integrated (mostly), and a few new ones that pretty
 much suck.
 revision 1.5
 date: 1998/10/26 06:03:21; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +732 -29
 0-127 (I hope)
 revision 1.4
 date: 1998/08/04 03:39:49; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +73 -1
 eating white castle, checking in shit.
 revision 1.3
 date: 1998/07/31 03:41:47; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +74 -2
 more junk for the peanut gallery.
 revision 1.2
 date: 1998/07/26 22:02:31; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0
 this is a test of rcs - i hope it works.
 revision 1.1
 date: 1998/07/26 21:05:55; author: root; state: Exp;
 Initial revision