Dispatches, thoughts, and miscellanea from writer Jon Konrath

Tag: zine

  • Teeth, SSF, etc.

    For whatever reason, I recently went back and read Air in the Paragraph #5. (I need a better place for these to live, especially since Scribd has turned into a paid-service scam. I’ve temporarily put it here.) A lot of my writing from 1996 is pretty cringe-inducing, but I always liked this particular issue of…

  • I have a new zine out

    I have a new zine out. It is called Mandatory Laxative #14. It is about lunchables and satanism. It is 20 pages long. It is printed on an inkjet printer. It is as lo-fi as possible. I didn’t even spell-check it. It contains the following “stories”: Pain Is Only Temporary (Unless It Is Chronic) A…

  • Air in the Paragraph Line #13 now available

    And now, the reason why I have not been blogging is done!  Air in the Paragraph Line #13 is now available at Amazon.com and other fine online booksellers. AITPL is a print journal of absurdist and online fiction I publish.  It typically contains a story or two of mine, plus maybe a dozen and a…

  • Screams and whispers

    First of all, I’ll get all of the zine stuff out of the way: Press release is at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2007/09/prweb553756.htm The first trailer (yes, books have trailers now, I guess) is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w83ZgawVDF4. (This is the one I made, which is why it sucks more.) Second trailer, by AITPL#12 artist Matthew Pazzol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWEoSBZVBHU. I am waiting…

  • AITPL #11

    OK, it’s done. Go here to preview and order the new issue of Air in the Paragraph Line. 21 stories by 19 authors about the fun, atrocity, and torture of work, in a nice, 284-page, perfect-bound, glossy cover book. Yours for only $10.99 cheap (plus s/h.) There are many very good stories in here, and…